Level 1 Course Spring 2025 (Funded HCPs only)
Regular price €0,00
Course dates: 28th Feburary - 3rd March 2025
Course Venue: Cork International Hotel : www.corkinternationalhotel.com Contact Events manager: scurtin@
Cost of course: €1,100
IMPORTANT: To book on this course, you must checkout as normal, but you will need to email pauline@thelymphclinic.ie a purchase order from your hospital. You will not be confirmed on the course until we receive receipt of purchase order.
If your hospital does not issue Purchase Orders, you will need to pay the full amount by ordering this course and submit your e-receipt for reimbursement.
On receiving your ONLINE booking form and deposit, you will in turn receive a unique access code which will open you up to the Dr Vodder Akademie E-Learning platform
Here you will need to set up a personal user account with user name and a password for you to access the theory lectures. These E-learning lectures and theory instruction are provided by the Dr. Vodder Akadamie International (DVAI ~ Austria)
(8 hours guided theory instruction plus self-study and reading, total: 35 hours approx.) covering everything needed for Level 1 and 2 ( Applied MLD) and introduces some of the principles of pathophysiology of the Level 3 theory. You will be able to watch and listen to each lecture as often as you wish.
The DVAI theory instruction can be complemented by optional but recommended three 2.5 hour live zoom calls in the 4 weeks prior to course commencing . E-Tutorials with linked UTube playlist will be made available as preparation of each zoom call to facilitate revision, understand the theory in more detail so application to the practice makes more sense and also aid preparation for the theory exam.
This option is unique to the Dr Vodder School Ireland (DVSIrl)
Having completed the lecture series, reviewed the tutorials and completed the proposed pre- course revision zoom calls, the Level 1 MCQ exam, which needs to be completed PRIOR to completing the Level 1 course can be taken and you will be notified of your pass rate. You will have 2 opportunities to complete same.
- General anatomy and physiology of blood circulation
- General anatomy of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes;
- Indications and contraindications;
- Special anatomy of the main lymphatic vessels as well as of the lymphatic systems of the various body regions and the skin;
- Physiology of the interstitial space, lymphatic system and lymphatic fluid:
- Extravascular circulation of blood proteins
- Exchange of matter and fluid in the terminal portions of pathways;
- Structure and function of the interstitial connective tissue, physiology of interstitial exchange of matter,diffusion, osmosis, colloid osmosis, filtration, reabsorption, active cell transport process, permeability of blood capillaries
- Starling’s equilibrium;
- Physiology of the lymphatic system (drainage function, lymph formation, lymph-obligatory substances, lymph transport, transport capacity of the lymphatic system, defence and filter function); Lymphatic fluid, chyle;
Your unique Code also gives you online access to the practical techniques and sequences.
- Principles of applying MLD;
- Practical techniques of MLD; Pump , Scoop, Thumb Circles, Stationary Circles, Rotary
- Treatment sequences of the various parts of the body (neck, face, arms, back, buttocks, chest, abdomen, legs, nape of neck).
This module has a theoretical but no practical exam, on completion of the 4 days training you will be awarded a certificate for Level 1 .You are encouraged to practice on family and friends only and only those with an intact healthy lymph system at this level.
This certificate entitles you to entry to any Dr Vodder Level 2 Worldwide, or directly to Level 3 in some countries; however not in Ireland unless you have a HealthCare Professional background (ie medicine, nursing, physiotherpist) and currently working in your field.